Thursday, 26 January 2012

Been a long time...

hey ppl, Its been a long time since a poured my heart out... but then there's been nothing really to pour it out to/at. Been between a rock and a hard place and just couldnt get myself to terms... but am getting there progressively. last year was pretty rough wat with me having low self esteem and body image issues.. school not going as expected, ended a toxic relationship, became more of a loner dan usual..... yh lets just say 2011 was just not my year............. BUT!!!! its a nu year baby, brand new confidence, i am loving ME more... and things are looking up (thank GOD). Anyhw... i think this blogging thing is here to stay this time around, rili sucked at it in the past, but now i got aloooooooot to say, but not just right now... gtg... *hugz nd kisses*