Hello My lovelies!!!
Its been a while since my last post. But the new year started with preparations for exams and then exams itself came along and I also celebrated my birthday last month (which I give GOD all the glory for)
But now am back and I thought I'd start with a favourites post, and these are most of the things I seem to find myself reaching for a lot and totally loving. These products range from skin care to make-up (mostly make up)
Firstly face and body;
So we'll start from the right and work our way down:
Soap & Glory Scrub of your life
LUSH Mask of Magnaminty
Ben Nye Banana powder
Milk of Magnesia
M.A.C Charged water Skin hydrating mist
I have always been into body scrubs, i have tried a whole lot of the but my all time favourite has always been Body Shop Olive body scrub, but the stones in them always tend to be too harsh on the skin. There are days and seasons when the body does need such harsh once over but not all the time, so I decided to go and explore and I found what I will consider the HOLY GRAIL of scrubs Scrub of your life by soap and glory. All you need to do is wet down and scrub on,
Its a clear gel with pink beads in them and the beads just glide on the skin
Plus side it also has soap properties, so you can get your scrub and wash on at a go and your out of the shower in no time.
I use this 2-3 times a week.
Next product is my face mask; Mask of magnaminty (it is a face and back mask) by LUSH, most people are familiar with lush products, but if you are not, its a cosmetic brand that sell fresh handmade products (soaps, bath bomb, body and face products e.t.c...)
this mask is a peppermint mask that helps fight eruptions and outbreaks and returns your skin to tip top condition. I am totally in love with this mask, its unbelievable since i got it in December I pretty much want to use it everyday (no lies) but I only use it 3 times a week or just every other day, I apply it with my fingers and leave on for 10-15mins.
As the name implies it smells of peppermint (which i love), its a green mask with with chunks in it.
Once you apply this to the face, you immediately start to feel the mint property on the skin and once off it leaves the skin feeling pretty smooth and continuous use those help with outbreaks (DOESN'T STOP IT!!!!) but it helps reduce them and control them if that makes sense to anyone.
Next is my Banana Powder; I have totally been loving this powder, ever since i got it months ago I always use it anytime I apply my make up. Its now bye bye M.A.C translucent powder, Heelllllo Ben Nye.
I use this to set my under eye concealer and also highlight areas on my face and it doesnt crease. It is totally worth the hype.
Next is Milk of Magnesia: this product has been the most surprising find or rather product I have ever been introduced to. Found out about this from a make up artist on YouTube wayne goss (gossmakeupartist) you guys should totally check him out.
I have always had Normal/Combination Oily Skin for as along as I can remember, I wear make up and less than half way through the day my nose area gets all shiny and lights up like a Christmas tree, I tried all sorts of primers, oil control lotions carried blotting sheets everywhere and all sorts, it didnt budge until i watched his video titled: THE BEST OF THE BEST MAKEUP TIPS EVER!!!!
and he mentioned the milk of magnesia, I gave it a try and voilà problem solved.
Next is M.A.C Charged water Skin hydrating mist; not much to say about this product than I just love how it makes my skin feel, mostly wear it on days were I don't wear make up and occasionally as a finishing mist above make you or to moisten make up brushes before use.
Next, on to make up products;
LUSH lip scrub in (mint julips)
WET n WILD lipsticks in (Sugar plum fairy and Cherry Picking)
L'OREAL Super liner perfect slim felt tip in (intense black)
NYX Mega shine lipgloss (Miami Babe and Tea Rose)
SOAP & GLORY Thick and fast Mascara
I love wearing MATTE lipsticks and your lips have to be in tip top condition to pull them off without looking ashy or flacky, and that is were my lip scrub comes in, I have always done the Vaseline and sugar scrub for as long as i can remember but I wanted something different so I picked up Lush's lip scrub; and all you have to do is scoop some out, scrub your lips and lick off the excess sugar on your lips and off you go.
doesn't get better than that.
My next go to products of the last month or so have been my lippies from NYX and WET n WILD, got them at different times be since they arrived I cant stop reaching for them. I love the mega shine lip glosses because I can wear them on there own when I want to go for a natural look and they look amazing.
The wet n wild lipsticks are sooooo pigmented I dont know why its taken me a while to jump on the wagon, but am so glad I did. Like their names imply sugar plum fairy is a plum shade almost similar to M.A.C's Rebel (it could easily stand as a dupe) and cherry picking is a cherry pinkish shade not like anything I have already which is good.
The last two products I just had to add to the list because I just seem to find myself reaching for them alot, the liner is so easy and effortless to use.And the mascara gives nice volume and length to your lashes.
Hope all my rambles was helpful to someone.
If you guys have tried or are planning to try any of these products please let me know how you get along with them.
Any Questions?? Please leave them in the comment below.