Saturday, 22 December 2012

What New: Origins, M.A.C

Hey Guys!
I recently picked up a couple of things from M.A.C and Origins,
I feel so bad because this has been seating in my draft for almost 1wk 

I recently got finished with my Fix+ and I wanted to repurchase but to be honest I didn't see much of what the fix+ did (for me!) it might work well with other people.. but for me.. I just got sick of it really quickly, which is why it toke me so long to get through with the One bottle I had (purchased over 1yr ago!)

 I figured I could try something different, so I picked up the Charged Water Hydrating Mist;
The suggested instruction says to spay six inches from face (eyes closed obviously!) and it can be used at any time as many times as needed. Honestly I just think its pretty much the same as Fix+. 
I mostly use this on days when I have no make up on, I cleanse my Face then spray this on before I moisturise, because it does tend to get a little sticky, so my moisturiser helps diffuse it a tad bit.

So far I like this product, and I seem to be reaching for it everyday since I got it. Its definitely something worth having, not necessary!! but worth having, especially for those who tend to have dry/tight face half way through the day in the winter times.

Next two products I got are repurchases;
 The Select Moisturecover concealer in NW45.
It comes in a tube with the applicator like a lip gloss, 
It has a paste like consistency, which I really love and it doesn't dry too easy
 which gives you enough time to work with it and it blends like a dream.
I use this under my eye, I apply it with the wand and blend it out using my real techniques pointed foundation brush or just your fingers will do the magic.

The Prep+Prime Lip.
There really isnt much to say about it, it comes in a twist stick,
it looks white but goes on silky smooth and clear just like a lip balm and I just love it.
I tend to reach for it most when I wear matte lipsticks.

M.A.C Mineralize Charged Water: £15.00
M.A.C Select moisturecover: £14.50
M.A.C Prep+prime Lip: £12.00

Next stop was Origins. I picked up the super spot remover and Never a dull moment cleanser
 I initially went to the Origins Stand at Debenhams just to get the spot remover gel but they were out,(sad) so I just had to order them online at
Both products are gel based.

The Spot remover comes in only 10ml bottle, for some reason I just don't know why I was expecting it to be alot bigger (giggles). But am guessing that bottle should last at least 1month as you only need to dab a drop on with the tip of your fingers on your dark spots, not rub it all over you face (well unless you face is fully covered in spots, then you need to stack up).
Pros: Its easy to use, and when i say easy to use i meas its just like 1,2,3... put a little on your finger, dab it on the problem spots and voilà. You do not need any special tool or specific motion to apply. Just dab
It goes on clear just like the colour of the gel itself and absorbs really fast, like in seconds.
Cons: The product doesn't have the greatest smell, it smells like tree extract and lingers quiet a while;
After drying  I get the sense that my skin is slightly tight (like when you have a face mask on), its nothing excessive and if you are going to be wearing you make-up right away you really wont feel it.

The next is the cleanser, I didnt have the intention of getting this, but since I was ordering online, I figured I'd just add one more product to the basket.It comes in 150 ml (only size as with most cleansers) This doesnt have such a bad smell, it has a sweet smell with the extract undertone to it ( if you get what i mean by that).
A little bit of this product goes along way, which is good ( a pro) and it lathers up pretty good as long as your face is damp before putting it on. Its a very thick gel so you'd want to massage it in properly.   

This is not a review as i just started using this products, these are just initial observations.  

Never a dull moment cleanser: £17.00
Super Spot remover gel: £13.00

Hope this was helpful and informative to some one!
If you guys have tried or are planning to try any of these product please let me know how you fair with them.

Any Questions? Please leave them in the comment below

Mjay xxxo!!


  1. great post hun :) i havent tried origins.. x

  2. loved this post, I'm yet to try Origins, it's on my wishlist
